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Transforming Leaders, Teams, and Salespeople

Crafted, unique and impactful development experiences to unlock the talent in your leaders and teams.


I'm Geoff Keeling, a Leadership, Teams and Sales consultant and Insights specialist. I have over 25 years global experience in developing impactful solutions to grow leaders and develop teams.

I really love what I do and I know I am very fortunate to work with a lot of amazing and talented people. I genuinely believe that helping people to develop, should be enjoyable, thought provoking and memorable as well as impactful.   


If you are interested in finding out more, please get in touch to set up a call. I promise during that call, that I will listen to you, to ensure I fully understand your challenges and opportunities, before going away to scope out a potential solution to address your developmental needs. All of this is done without any kind of obligation, and if you like the approach and want to partner up, then we move forwards with building your bespoke solution.

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Insights Discovery

Are you looking to improve relationships, motivation and productivity within your team? 

Insights Discovery is a cornerstone of my team building, leadership, and sales development programs and can be integrated into your solution on request.

Find out more about Insights here.

Real impact and high levels of engagement in organisations require transparent communication, emotional intelligence, self-awareness and mutual understanding. 

This is why we use Insights Discovery to help cultivate  within your team. Find out more about how we can build it into your solution.

Through individual questionnaires and personalised profiles, participants learn about their typical behaviours, strengths, and potential challenges through the Insights four colour methodology.

Subsequently, whole-team conversations are facilitated around the profiles. This helps teams to understand teach others' strengths, the impact they have on each other, and how they can collaborate more effectively.


Insights for Sales

Insights Sales Effectiveness profiling uses the same four colour methodology but is tailored to help your sales teams develop a deeper understanding of customer needs, motivations and buying preferences.


Participants will receive a personalised Effective Selling Profile which explores their personality preferences and selling style, along with insights into how they might interact with and be perceived by different customer types.


The profile helps participants with:


  • Selling style

  • Preparing for the sale

  • Identifying needs

  • Proposing

  • Handling objections

  • Gaining commitment

  • Follow up and follow through



“I have been fortunate to have known and worked with Geoff for many years. He is a remarkably skillful facilitator and an expert in the art and science of team dynamics, team building and improving collaboration. I have seen the benefits of his work and guidance in my own teams, and have also found his wisdom and guidance invaluable on a 1:1 basis. I would not hesitate to recommend him”

CEO Clinithink

Chris Tackaberry

On Location

We've designed and delivered events in more than 20 countries, creating tailored solutions for diverse needs.

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